My story.

Welcome to my coaching platform. My name is Eugene Berezin. I’ve always had a strong passion to help people. In my first career, I worked as a Sign Language Interpreter. My brother is Deaf and I always had a strong connection with the Deaf community. When it was time for me to get my first job it was an easy choice. I served the Deaf community for 5 years and I am very proud of it.

After graduating from college, and starting my career I knew it was time for a RADICAL change. I packed what I could and I moved to the United States of America.

When I moved to Chicago my first priority was to get back on my feed in the behavioral health field. So I started working as a case manager and a youth counselor.

I had a very fulfilling career, I was very proud of myself that even after moving to a totally different country I STILL could use my knowledge and experience to help people.

My second career was related to psychotherapy. Even when I was still in college I had an opportunity to practice as a therapist under the close supervision of other more senior Psychologists. I always knew I wanted to help people to get their BEST potential. My two strong passions came together I was working as a Sign Language interpreter and a Therapist.

Even though I was happy with what I was doing I was STRUGGLING with money. The $24 per hour could not get me to the point where I could provide for my family, live where I want to live, travel, and enjoy life. It was 9-5 after which I had to run to the shelter to serve there as a youth counselor until 11 PM in a rough part of Chicago.

It was time to do some internal work. When I started my first career my core value was helping people no matter what, no matter how low the pay is, and no matter where I would work, I just wanted to do counseling and Sign Language interpreting. That was it.

It was the time to start earning money to take my life back. So I had to change my career. I had to accept the fact it is time for ME to live my life and make the money I deserve. So I decided to get into the Tech industry.

I started as a QA Engineer. Why? I had a limited belief that because my previous careers had nothing to do with technology I would not be good at coding. It could not be farther from the truth!

After a couple of years in my career as a QA Engineer, I joined the team that worked on iOS mobile applications. I quickly thought myself how to code in Swift to develop automated tests for my team. And it was the time when I fell in love with iOS development.

And guess what I did! I pivot AGAIN! I let my manager know that I am highly interested in doing iOS mobile application work and feature development. My manager was super excited and happy for me. However, it was easier to change the type of work I was doing than to change my official title.

What I did NOT want to do is to sacrifice my money yet again to do what I want to do. I got busy bettering myself as an iOS developer and interviewing at other companies that were willing to hire me at least as a mid-level developer. I was a Senior Software Developer in Test at that time and my salary was at the lower end of a Senior iOS developer or at a very solid mid-level iOS developer.

So I did it again! I got a job as a mid-level iOS developer WITHOUT sacrificing salary, and without going ALL THE WAY BACK to entry-level.

Just to give you numbers I jump from $140K per year as a Senior SDET (Software Developer in Test) to $145K per year as a mid-level iOS Developer.

But even before I got an offer letter with the numbers that I wanted, I had to give that offer MYSELF in my head. I had to give myself permission to aim at that level, to earn at that level, and to perform at that level. The offer happened in my head first, and then I was able to find the job that matched the offer I had in my head.

After 2 years of working as a mid-level iOS developer, I had to give myself permission to grow and go and get the promotion I deserved. I did not get it right immediately. However, because deep in my mind I have already promoted myself, deep in my soul I knew my value, I challenged myself and after a couple of interviews, I secured a Senior iOS Developer position.

That helped me to create an irresistible offer in my career coaching program and sell it at a 4-figure price mark.

This is why I created a program for other entrepreneurs to help them to build their businesses and life by design and sell their high-ticket offers

Photo credit: Rashad Surratt.


Diploma of professional study this certifies that Eugene Berezin has successfully completed program requirement for Professional Accredited Life Coaching Certification Diploma. Dr Karen E. Wells. The key training academy.
Certified Transformational Life Coach by Transformation Academy.
Accredited Certificate NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner & Master Practitioner Awarded to Graham Nicholls Instructor _________________________ The holder of this Certificate has successfully completed an Accredited Practitioner & Master